Monday, November 16, 2009

Diet Tips

Dpt sikit tips kt thread BFT..good info..

Hmmm... ada a few changes that i would like to suggest here lah kan.
- its good that u keep urself hydrated. just letting u kno lah kan, fluid intake slalunye depends on berat badan, activity harian & if u sakit or sihat. how much do u weigh?
- breakie dah okay dah, mebbie u can take a little bit heavier in the morning. include byk carbs (ni masukkan simple carbs mcm menda2 manis tu & complex carbs mcm nasi or oats) & protein. utk immediate energy + maintenance energy.
- lunch, to me, lunch is better taken light lah. ni utk maintenance je. yg ni bleh la nak amik carbs + protein sket + a lil' bit of fat. example: sandwich sardine/ kuih-muih/ half servings of nasi campur/ half servings mee watevre kan.
- dinner u can take a little bit heavier than lunch, but still balanced. kalau boleh tak payah dah amik dessert lepas dinner. kalau nak dessert, makan fruits.
- snacking: u can take watever u want, tapi small portions la. mcm sebiji lepat pisang ke apa2. tapi make sure kalau its a high fat snack, u just jarak-jarakkan time amik snack dgn the proper meal tu la. kalau snack yg sihat mcm kacang2/ fruits, yg tu bleh snacking slalu.

yg ni for a start la. kalau u boleh biasakan this food regime, i think u boleh dah sesuaikan with ur own style/ version of eating, as long as u couple it with daily activities. kalau hari tu byk kerja/ byk stress/ active, lebihkan sket salah satu meals contohnye lunch or snacking. tapi salah satu je, jgn semua plak lebih2 tu.


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